Sonntag, 9. März 2014

Slightly more than Sun-Kissed

Today, when we woke up (I very, very late), our skin was a bit tight in some places like neck, face and top of the feet. So the sun had just burnt through our SPF 50 lotion which makes us stay on our veranda, which is also quite soothing for the eyes :-)

A visitor on our piece of (nearly private) beach made me run for the big lens for the first time today...

After a delicious lunch buffet - breakfast for us *gg* - we retreated to our veranda where I was lucky to take some pics of a rather big crab feasting on a small one:

Now on to some more reading before Happy Hour and a delicious lunch buffet...

Life is good!

Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2011

10 rules in a talk

I found this today in a "fun-mail":

10 rules in a talk:
  • Create emotions to connect with somebody
  • Be passionate about what you do
  • Know what you are talking about
  • Ask simple and obvious questions
  • Be authentic
  • Listen to your counterpart
  • Don’t overdo it, don’t talk at someone
  • Be able to handle negative feedbacks
  • Be disciplined and appreciate small successes
  • Have a sense of humour
Sounds pretty easy to follow - but hardly anyone does it :-(